Zero Downtime
Zero Downtime
Avoid lost revenue and downtime

Unexpected Outages can Slow your Business

Natural disasters, power outages, and man-made disruptions are part of life. But that doesn’t mean they have to slow your business down. Having your workflow interrupted by an unplanned outage can be frustrating and halt any forward progress, especially in a world that demands constant connectivity. When you need to get work done, you need a network you can trust.
Don't let unplanned outages slow your down

LTE Failover Keeps You Connected
During Unanticipated Outages

You don’t have to be in the middle of a big city to access fast internet. Fixed wireless connectivity taps into local service providers through receivers on the property, providing a lightning-fast and reliable connection to fixed locations like schools, warehouses, and restaurants without having to string cables all over your property. No more relying on a hotspot or hoping a message will go through.

MobileWare's LTE Failover
Protects Against Disruptions

With MobileWare’s wireless LTE failover system, you never have to worry about losing internet connection and potentially missing out on valuable sales and contacts. We seamlessly connect your business to backup networks to maintain a connection to your data and tools. With LTE failover, an unexpected outage won’t slow you down at all.