The Importance of IoT Security

Enterprise adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) has increased efficiencies and produced amazing amounts of data. More data means businesses can leverage information to be faster and more profitable than their competitors. However, before leaping headfirst into IoT adoption and digital transformation, enterprises need to be strategic about purpose, use and most of all, IoT security.

Security of IoT can be difficult. In fact, security is one of the largest risks in IoT adoption. There are many different stakeholders when it comes to creating and maintaining IoT security. The manufacturers need to create hardware to be attack-resistant. Software developers need to be sure that the written code is secure. Any engineers that manage and launch new and existing IoT devices need to take steps to lessen any and all security risks.Moreover, the end-user accessing data or systems through the Internet of Things needs to keep devices secure and not give access to unauthorized users.

Each of the roles within these groups in IoT security will vary, but all should be using a common set of guidelines to find and manage any potential security threats.

Here are a few pointers to help.

Centralize access logs

Whether the device is a security camera or a connected watch, IoT devices push data into the network. Unlike computers, user-facing systems are not included on all IoT devices. However, every device maintains an access log that is accessible.

By streamlining all device access logs, any member of the IT department can recognize threats before the device is breached. Disabling or changing access to the device will prevent data loss before it occurs.

IoT Security Policies

IT and security teams can follow the classification and identification of all devices that are on the network. By using segmentation, these teams can protect high-risk, mission-critical devices from the rest of the network. These policies can also control how the devices communicate, manage access to other resources on the network, and ensure that all new devices are secure in real-time.

Change default passwords

As with all things connected, IoT devices must have passwords. Just as you would not have a smartphone using a default password, changing all passwords before connecting your device to a network will increase IoT security.

Following standard protocol with multi-factor authentication and stronger passphrases will create IoT security that is more difficult to breach.

Set up an IoT network

One of the reasons cybercriminals are attacking IoT devices with more frequency is the lower level of security combined with direct access into a main network. To prevent the opening the door to hackers, establish an IoT network like a virtual LAN that maintains all IoT devices.

While this will not keep hackers from entering an IoT device, it will prevent access to most data stored within your system. Also, bank and other sensitive personal information will not be available.

Utilize VPNs

Setting up a virtual private network (VPN) with encryption will protect data that is transmitted to and from devices. While VPNs and encryption do not stop hackers entirely, it will prevent the IoT data from being easy pickings.

Businesses can expect over 75 billion connected devices by 2025. Adoption will occur as the benefits continue to outpace risks. Ensuring your enterprise has strategic, well-thought-out IoT security will provide data, efficiencies and peace of mind.

IoT and cloud computing are dramatically changing the way every industry does business. But connected assets and communications can unlock significant opportunities. If IoT security and IoT connectivity are on your mind, we can help. Contact us today on how MobileWare can help your enterprise streamline your network, automate your IoT connectivity.

Say goodbye to downtime and hello to new opportunities.