What is Connectivity-as-a-Service & How Does It Help You?

The as-a-service, or XaaS, model is offered by nearly every solution provider in some shape or form nowadays – and for a good reason. According to Statista, when U.S.-based IT professionals were asked how COVID-19 has affected their organization's XaaS investment, 55 percent indicated that their companies were investing either significantly or somewhat more in XaaS. And since then – we’ve only seen an uptick. Due to the increased adoption of cloud-based monitoring and demand for scalable storage, it’s predicted that the XaaS market will grow at a CAGR of 25% by 2027

But today, we’re here to discuss a specific XaaS, Connectivity-as-a-Service or CaaS, and how it will help future-proof your company’s network.

Defining CaaS – A New Approach to Network Connectivity Management

Connectivity-as-a-Service is an integrated WWAN solution that provides network connectivity. This solution supports a wide range of applications from ATMs and kiosks to POS, transportation to video surveillance, and more. Typically, CaaS is offered in a package or single subscription charged monthly. It encompasses everything you need to have efficient business connectivity, including a router, modem, SIM card, managed services, and tech support. This all-in-one model eliminates the customer's burden of managing and deploying hardware.

How Does This Benefit My Business?

By implementing a CaaS solution, your business will no longer need to worry about multiple contracts and network operator costs. Moreover, this one-hand-to-shake approach ensures your business continuity with no more lost productivity or sales due to internet service issues. Your company will now have long-term, reliable and fast connectivity, removing the stress of network administration and lurking operational costs.

To summarize, the main benefits of CaaS include:

  • One contract with one reliable provider
  • An intuitive global network to ensure you never lose connectivity
  • Complete flexibility – a per-month agreement avoids being locked in with a poor provider 
  • On-going, 24/7 technical support to manage your routers and provide detailed usage reports to safeguard from excessive overage charges
  • A simple plug-and-play installation process – everything is ready to go upon delivery

MobileWare Can Be Your Choice for Intuitive Global Connectivity

MobileWare’s CaaS solution ensures your business will receive intuitive global network connectivity while reducing your operational costs. Skip spending thousands on equipment and data service, leverage MobileWare for your complete end-to-end solution. We offer a suite that includes a router, modem, SIM card, managed services, and 24/7 support for a monthly fee.

Learn more about our offering here, or speak to our experts at info@mobilewareus.com or 303-355-2180.

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