Why Visibility in Enterprise Mobility Is Mandatory

More businesses are becoming mobile each year as they find ways to move employees out from behind desks. Despite the continued growth in mobile use, enterprise mobility strategies continue to fail in achieving ROI and maximizing device efficiencies. Gaining visibility in mobile devices becomes mandatory for any enterprise mobility management to succeed. Also, gaining visibility will tell the true story of how mobility is being used and where it is failing.

Necessity for visibility

Unfortunately, most IT departments only see the result of inefficient mobility. HelpDesk tickets can flood the department, bogging down efficiency as they try to trace back the problem. In situations where IT does not have visibility, it becomes a guessing game and widens the 80/20 trap.

Mobility Management Software provides insight to IT departments regarding what issues are occurring. Not only does IT see issues in real time, they gain understanding to correct the issues at the source. The reality is device side analytics puts information and ability in IT’s hands, increasing overall efficiency.

Secondly, enterprises gain the ability to identify devices that the business is not utilizing. Carriers will charge for devices not in use, so successful enterprise mobility management requires the ability to see and disconnect dead devices.

While disconnecting employees from desks is beneficial in creating efficiencies for a company, security becomes an overarching issue to contend with. Mobility management software, and the visibility it gives, provides IT a larger view of security risks. IT can see risky behavior while minimizing outside threats.

Reducing costs of enterprise mobility

Users do not lie. If an app is impeding their work or creating unnecessary headaches, users will find workarounds to avoid the app. Understanding which apps are not being used gives key performance indicators for the overall mobility strategy, as well as implementation of different objectives. Investing in software that provides better analytics, both in mobility and security, will give KPIs that can be measured against the cost of implementation.

Investing in the right software can be difficult, given the varied number of devices any one employee might have. One way to reduce the impending cost of mobility management is to limit the types of devices employees can choose from. Limiting will give IT a better handle, and risks are lower regarding OS updates and security breaches.

Utilizing a unified mobility management system can provide deeper visibility into all devices and behavior. However, unified mobility management software can be more costly than mobile device management software, so a company must decide which will provide the most cost savings.

Mobility management services

Visibility into mobile devices is the groundwork for optimizing telecom expense management. Understanding support requirements and having visibility into employees’ mobile devices can decrease expenses related to telecom.

While mobility management software can be costly, enterprises have options to maximize their savings while optimizing their telecom. Most mobility management service providers offer software as a benefit to partnering with them for telecom management. Providers include software with the services, as well as most partners offering security and data storage options. Most importantly, providers can give real time insight into usage and issues that the enterprise might be unaware of.

Visibility is a necessity for any enterprise mobility strategy, both for security and optimization purposes. An enterprise cannot correct and save on what they cannot see. MobileWare offers platform services that can provide visibility into enterprise mobility while optimizing telecom expense management for a larger ROI. Rather than having your IT department bogged down with helpdesk tickets and apps that aren’t being used, streamline your enterprise mobility by calling MobileWare today.

Say goodbye to downtime and hello to new opportunities.